Why CHO?

Yes, Cho is our last name, but to us the name C-H-O symbolizes the celebration of our commonality. It became very evident during Dave’s early chemistry classes that his last name was in nearly every chemical equation.
All living matter predominantly consists of the most basic elements – carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (CHO). The basic elements of the food and beverages we share at our table, the people we share it with, remind us that we are all intricate makings of these very rudimentary elements.
We decided after much back and forth on our wine company’s name that we’d proudly bear our last name despite whatever glass ceilings we fear may exist for Asians in the wine industry – we want to embrace our heritage and empower others to do the same.
Our vision is for a table where our unique differences can be respected and celebrated, while embracing our commonalities during our relatively short time on earth.